Bannière Festival Enfance et Nature 2022
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With our partners, the Academy of Early Childhood and the Terra Symbiosis foundation, the committee from the laboratories of social science and sports UR1342 and Educational sciences UR2310 is organizing an international conference:

"Risk matters in children's play in nature – A look cross-cultural look at conceptions of risk and risky play in early childhood", Symposium on theory and practices, January 31 to February 1, 2022, University of Strasbourg, France.

Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme - Alsace | MISHA
5 allée du Général Rouvillois, Strasbourg - simultaneous interpretation - French and English
In the midst of the pandemic, we have seen a flood of recommendations in France to promote outings with children in nature. At the same time, as projects are put into place, questions of risk emerge. How do we articulate the notion of risk with play when the conception of safety dominates early childhood policies? From multidisciplinary approaches, involving pedagogy, neurology, urbanization, sociology, anthropology, and psychology, this conference aims to open up concrete perspectives around risks in outdoor free play and early childhood (0 to 6 years old). Between risk and danger what are our perceptions? How important is risk for the child in his or her development? What is at risk for the professional in allowing outdoor free play?
  1. Examine theories surrounding notions of risk in the context of public policies;
  2. Discuss professional support practices conducive to setting up practices in light of policy requirements.
  3. Provide a space for dialogue and exchange between science and public policy with the aim of formulating a roadmap to better inform and support projects in nature, particularly ones that focus on free and sensory play for children.
MONDAY 31 JANUARY - 9am - 5pm GMT +1
9.00 Welcome and Introduction
  • Gilles Vieille Marchiset, Professor at University of Strasbourg and Director of the Sport and Social Sciences laboratory (E3S-EA 1342).
  • Maryvonne Lyazid, Chair of the Academy of Early Childhood
  • Patricia Jung-Singh, Founder of Terra Symbiosis Foundation
9.30 – Opening remarks by Soraya Ouldji, Elected official of the City of Strasbourg in charge of early childhood and school meal programmes.
10.00 Risky play : Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter, Professor at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education in Trondheim, Norway
11.15 Communication AXE 1 : Physical and psychological health benedits / pedalogical methods and practices
Gillian Cante
Mapping of play types in nature - Gillian Cante, Doctorante STAPS et Sciences de l’Education, UR1342 et UR 2310 à L’Université Strasbourg
Litterature review of professional practices of risk in free play Laura Nicolas, Lecturer, University Paris Est Créteil
Laura cadrage serré
12.30 Lunch

13.30 Cross-cultural Reserach Perspectives and Practices
Helena Sienaert
Projet RePLAY : Helena Sienaert, Lecturer, Project employee ESF DuJo Pioneer research and lifelong learning RePLAY: Support risky play, Université des Sciences Appliquées d’Artevelde, Gent, Belgium.

Projet PLAY STREET : a study Paris - Centre Stephanie Alexander, PhD, Researcher at the Foundation MGEN for public health, Paris, France.
National Curriculum in Norway, Ellen Beate Hanson Sandseter, Professor at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education in Trondheim, Norway
Research on risky play and free play in Quebec - Mathieu Point, Professor, Department of Educational sciences | University of Quebec, Trois-Rivière, Canada.
mathieu point
mariana brussoni
15.30 Health benefits of risky play on child development and public policy - Why is outdoor risky play more important now than ever?– Mariana Brussoni, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia | Scientist with the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute and the BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit
9.00 - Welcome and Introduction
  • Emmanuel Triby, Professor at the University of Strasbourg, LISEC
9.30 Communication AXE 2 : Sociological and anthropological perspectives / Science of Education
Anthropologie of Risk : David Le Breton, is a professor of Sociology and Anthropology and member of the European Dynamics (DynamE) unit at the University of Strasbourg

Risking nature in the educational relationship: what place is given to the experience of nature in the construction of identities? - Guillaume Christen – Head of recherche and training at L’Ecole Supérieure de Praxis sociale of Mulhouse, PhD in sociology.
Guillauem Christen
12.30 Lunch
Feeling of insecurity in working-class neighborhoods: what impact on access to outdoor games for children? - Marine Grassler, ATER in sociology and PhD in Sport and Social Sciences, UR 1342, Université de Strasbourg
Round tables on public policy and practices

13.30 Between risk and safety, putting the interests of the child back at the center of the debate , Soraya Ouldji, Elected official of the City of Strasbourg in charge of early childhood and school meal programmes, Participant from the Protection Maternelle et Infantile, Collectivité Européenne d’Alsace, and Rosina Dendarie Practionner in a Eco-daycare The children’s jardin, moderated by Gillian Cante

14.30 Let children be wild ! How experiences in nature allow children to mesure risk – moderated by Véronique Mateus Director of the Moulin Nature de Lutterbach Lionel Vialon – CREPS PACA – Continuing education « Teaching Risk », Muriel Duguet, Nature Leader in the film « Les Racines pour Grandir », Intervenant de l’inspection académique

16.00 Closing remarks
Les partenaires du festival Enfance et Nature
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